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Getting started with Bepro's Queue and Booking automation software


Are you interested in keeping your customers in the queue, reducing operational drag and scaling your business, then you’re in the right place. In this blog post we'll be going through the process of creating your Bepro account including adding services & staff, customizing your booking and queue preferences to best fit your business needs

Table of Contents

Initial Account Setup

Visit Bepro and press Get Started then follow the prompts in your onboarding process. You'll now need to fill in your Company Information


Setting up Staff Members

After setting up your Company Info you can now set up your services and staff. To create a new service click Staff under the shortcuts section. Then press the blue Add Button

Staff Add

Now you can proceed by entering the staff details such as Name, Email, Contact, Role and their specific Work Hours.

Staff Create

Setting up Services

After setting up your Staff Members you can now set up your services and staff. To create a new service click Services under the shortcuts section. Then press the blue Add Button

Service Page

Now you can proceed by entering the service details such as Name, Duration, Description, Price, Image and even specific staff who provide this service.

Service Create

Great, you're 90% of the way complete, now all we need is to get people to Join the Queue or Book an Appointment by sharing our Access Links or download your QR Code.


Customizing Booking and Queue Preferences

Good Job you now have a fully functional Virtual Queue and Booking system for your business. But hang on… your company has rules or Rescheduling or how Early or Late you can Book an appointment or even what Days Walkins are Accepted or even the maxmium number of people in the Queue at one time. Don't worry we've got your covered.

In the More page you'll find the Preferences Tab Page where you can customize all of the above.


If you haven't signed up already and are interested in keeping your customers in queue, reducing operational drag and scaling your business. Then get your Virtual Waitlist & Booking solution in less than 5 mins today.

Virtual Waiting Room

  • Dramatically decrease the risk of customer walkaways
  • Provide an exceptional waiting experience
  • Increase business operations scalability
Start for free

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